Friday, November 6, 2009

November 4, 2009

November 4, 2009 
3pm, tivoli 440 

planning meeting agenda 

- November convention meeting for potential convention attendees. need to hold prior to the 20th!
    - meet on the 11th 3pm -- room tba 
    - chris questions - jo questions 
    - adam, roberto, nessa to work on -- website info, travel info, travel suggestions
    - monday at 2:30 -- pizza place - convention meeting planning/CFC Proposal/Travel Funding Proposal 

- CFC Proposal for Writes of Spring 
    - see monday meeting 

- fundraising ideas 
    - volunteering at bookstore; flyers are around (elyssa) bring info to the convention meeting. 
    - chapbooks - email to members, sigma tau delta only student written poems > info gathering (nessa). 
    - bakesale - bake sale in two weeks. wed november 18 and wed december 2. 7am to 1pm. 

- M.O.R.E. funding? 
    - for this semester... look at next semester later. 

- Travel funding? 
    - see monday meeting 

- Salon - Dr. Kuhn
     - (elyssa) fight club salon next semester. sweet. 

- Membership processing progress?
    - discussed process of accomplishing goals. 
    - everything done and finished for semester regarding on friday the 20th. 

- Halloween expenditures
    - added a punch bowl. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

09-21 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Date: September 21, 2009 5:26 PM
Title of Meeting: Sigma Tau Delta
Location: tivoli 317
Attendees: Joseph Gerlick, Elyssa Lewis, Roberto Martinez, Adam Speirs, Mark Reagan

M.O.R.E. funding
- roberto says brochure a really good idea. lists reasons which include informational, convention, recruitment...
- jo takes the reigns. all in favor 5/0 vote.

- presentation ideas: troyer - manuscripts; academia and motherhood - kuhn; ruderman - sabbatical trip for spring? jan scott frasier - art and creativity. gorman and popular culture.
- approach dr kuhn on department meeting bulletin and individual.
- poetry salon by adam.
- elyssa takes reigns.
- next agenda.

- literary zombies - blackforeststudios. oct 24th.
- get member involvement through email.
- phi sigma sigma -- oct 30th - huge social event. bad gothic poetry contest. flash competition?
- $100 to rent cajetan’s -- double check into whatever liability we have doing that. voted in favor 5/0 pending liability issues.

- setting up purchase orders for king soopers and office depot?

in class presentations
- roberto did 2: basic guidelines informational sheet to be posted online soon.
- in personal classes, but beyond?

membership applications
- figure out who these things go to.
- "contact advisors during office hours or our treasurer jo gerlick at: XXXXXXXX"
- pdf of application sent to everyone via email.

- email to be sent.
- student services can fund!? elyssa will investigate.
- more about looking for attending advisor.

Banned books week
- cases to be reserved in multi-cultural lounge for first two days. monday and tuesday.

CFC funding
- paperwork finished and presentation put together by october 30? jo and roberto to do paperwork.

linguistics club
- reciprocity in emails et cetera.

next meeting?
- wednesday the 7th at 5:30pm. location to be determined.

Monday, September 21, 2009

September 14 Open Meeting

Meeting Minutes
Date: September 14, 2009 5:30 PM
Title of Meeting: Sigma Tau Delta -- Open Meeting
Location: Tivoli 317
Attendees: Adam Speirs, Chris Dunkin, Roberto Martinez, Mark Reagan

MORE funding
Use for things to hand out at spring fling. Book marks, flyers, highlighter, pens. That kind of stuff. Everyday use is best. Put on agenda for next time. Brochures!

One or two per semester, round table discussions, salons, basically the salon idea. Ideas? Profs? Next agenda.

Party with phi sigma sigma, phi alpha theta? Social event primarily. Good idea to be pursued. Next agenda.
Blackforeststudios Halloween thing -- Oct 23 and 24th. Ideas? Dead poets. Bad poetry. Next agenda. Are we supposed to write something?

Adam will work on with Roberto. Tutorial made in process.

Bake sale. Fall -- once per month? Set up “tab” with King Soopers, and another with Office Depot on 16th. Get it set up prior to drop date?
What activities can we get involved in that already are occurring on campus?
Get brainstorm on mailing list.

Talk to student travel. Make sure that members are aware of deadline etc. Mention in newsletter. Advisor that attends?

Class Presentations
Talking to students in classrooms. We need a brochure! Roberto is designing a schpiel. New membership form online? Agenda for next week

Penny Drive
Not really interested, but interested in fundraising for charities.
Better world books. Find spearhead. Next agenda.

Banned Books Week
No longer through Auraria Library. Multicultural Lounge? Keep it simple! Art gallery style display? Nessa Conley spearheading.

Social Stuff
Salons. Board game night. Flash fiction contests. Book presentations?

New Officers!

Here's the breakdown of the new officers for the 2009-2010 academic year:

President - Roberto Martinez
Vice President - Elyssa Lewis
Secretary - Adam Speirs
Treasurer - Joseph Gerlick

They can all be contacted through our chapter email -- metrostatesigmataudelta(AT)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Sigma Tau Delta is holding a Wednesday breakfast Bake Sale. 
We'll be in the West Classroom building from 7:30am to 10am providing pastries for the on-the-run student on the 11th and the 18th.  

And the week of Valentines Day, look for our posters. We'll be running our parchment poetry fundraiser, providing you the finest verse the language has to offer, for you to offer your own muse. 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

fundraising update

andrew is talking with barnes and noble and is investigating tattered cover. 
and we're working on getting that tax deductible receipt for donations thing squared. 
stay tuned for more!
