Monday, August 18, 2008

Hello, Sigma Tau Delta!/Minutes for Opening Officer's Meeting

Hello, Sigma Tau Delta! The 2008-09 year looks to be a year of rejuvenation for Metro State Sigma Tau Delta , Alpha Psi - among many other projects, we hope to involve members more fully with open meetings and wider communication. This includes posting minutes for meetings up here on this darn board.

As secretary, my position with Sigma Tau Delta is largely of organization. Part of my responsibilities (in case you, yourself, might be interested in my position next year :) ) is to take notes during meetings and organize them into semi-coherant lists of what we discussed. In the interest of open disclosure, I've attached these notes to the rear of this post.

Further, there will be an open member's meeting on September 2nd. We encourage all members of Sigma Tau Delta looking to do more with their membership to take a step on over.

And, for you Sigma Tau Deltans worried about conferencing in the coming year, submissions are canonically due at the end of November. Be thinking about what writing you'd like to submit! Metro usually has a strong showing and we'd never want to disappoint. :)

See below for the minutes of our last meeting.

Minutes Sigma Tau Delta 8/12

Adam Speirs, President
Trina, Historian
Jessica Snavlin, Secretary
Wendolyn Weber, Assistant Advisor

First introduction of Robert's Rules of Orders.

Just for the Officer's Meeting.

General Meetings - What should they be like?
DR. WEBER: Bringing motions to the table by the lower members. Officers are supposed to bring motions to the table for lesser Members. They create the proposals and then pass it along.

The regular meeting, etc; Do people really want to do this?

Without bouncing ideas off of the members there's a chance to have something without member support, which means that members will again feel alienated.

JESSICA: There is a habit of friend-only communication, previously instilled from former generations.

We will be reorganizing schedules, as the first member meeting lands in DNC. It will actually occur the week after DNC, with the next Officer Only meeting being September 7th.

Motion to accept Robert's Rules of Order - approved.

Vice President's Report.

Proposal for more community and growth oriented activities.
Proposal for Constitution creation or revision.

A brief discussion of the roles of Advisor - an Advisor ought be Advice.

TRINA: There used to be a banquet for new members. Swearing in - etc.

Trina will work on a proposal for next meeting.

ADAM: Motions.

Motion to have Officers review the constitution, and offer suggestions of revision for approval at the next Officer's Meeting.
Passed with 4/4 votes.

Motion to have a calendar produced for the internet that would be approved by all officers at the next meeting.
Passed with 4/4 votes.

Motion to establish a partnership with Metrosphere Publications.
Passed with 4/4 votes.
*Discussion with Dr. Jason Miller pending

Motion to establish tutoring surveys through internet, with further implications in advertising to outside English students.
Passed with 4/4 votes.

Unfinished Business: Office Hours at Club Hub. Voluntary at this meeting, will be discussed on September 7th as one-hour a week minimum.

Office Hours to be discussed on September 7th -- Member meeting will be September 2nd.

Trina's proposal for banquets.

Necessary Email Communication:
Please review homecoming communications immediately.

Upcoming Events: Banned Books Week, First Member's Meeting, Unconventional (at Metro)

Other tid-bits:
Adam's gonna make us some flyers!
T-shirts. They will happen. Swear..

The schedule for meetings, generally, will be every 2nd (closed) tuesday and every 4th (open) tuesday. Sept's funky because of DNC, and Nov will be funky because of Fall Break (we will adjust accordingly!)